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Friday, March 21, 2025

Round Mini Basket

The Round Mini Easter egg basket to go with the oblong basket
from yesterdays post.

This one is also knitted in three parts and sewn together.

 Knitted on size 2 needles and used double strand of 4 ply worsted yarn.

Main Part

Cast on 25 stitches
Knit rows 1 and 2
Row 3 - K1, (K4, P4) to end of row
Row 4 - (K4, P4) to last stitch, K1
Rows 5 and 6 Repeat rows 3 and 4
Row 7 - K1, (P4, K4) to end of row
Row 8 - (P4, K4) to last stitch, K1
Rows 9 and 10 - Repeat rows 7 and 8
Knit 2 rows
Cast off

Cast on 25 stitches
Knit one row
1st dec. row (K3, K2tog) to end of row (20 stitches)
Second dec. row (K2, K2 tog) to end of row (15 stitches)
Third dec. row (K1, K2 tog) to end of row ( 10 stitches)

Leaving a long end, break off yarn and thread through sts.  Pull up tightly and oversew side edges to cast on sts.

Cast on 30 stitches and knit 3 rows.
Cast off all stitches

Oversew side edges from cast on edge to cast off edge.

With right side of work facing you pin the cast on edge of base to cast off edge of main part and oversew edges together.

sew the handle on.

I put a little Pink Peep in the basket which was crocheted and given to me by Sally, a Needwork friend from the library.  

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