Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Double Moss Stitch Blanket

 I knitted another baby blanket.
This one I will save for winter because it was knitted with bulky yarn
and will be nice and warm.

An easy pattern using the Double Moss Stitch knit pattern.
I used 5 weight chunky yarn.

Cast on 76 stitches with number 10 36 inch circular needle.

Rows 1 - 8 Knit all rows

Knit blanket body in double moss stitch
This pattern includes 6 stitches of garter stitch (Knit) on each side.

Row 1 - (RS) K6, *K2, P2,* K6
Row 2 - WS) K6, *K2, P2,* K6
Row 3 - K6, P2,* K2,* K6
Row 4 - K6, P2,* K2,* K6

Repeat these 4 rows till desired length.

Knit 8 rows
Cast off
Weave in yarn ends

Enjoyed knitting this pattern and liked using the bulky yarn.


  1. I just love this one...I would love to be able to knit and knit a big one like this. And love the colors, too. I bet it would be so, so warm.

  2. One of my next projects is to knit a queen size bedspread with bulky yarn.

  3. We like this one also... Believe it or not I have actually considered learning to knit. I know many men do knit, But it all does sound confusing to me. LOL Glad to hear you are a Navy wife, I did spend 14 years in and retired as a chief. Sailors sorta laughat me since I had 8 years as ab e-3 * below. LOL
    WE did get to leave Iowa with the coach fixed,
    Love ya lady

    1. I was in a knitting group some years ago and there was a man who came every week. He knitted socks!!
