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Friday, March 21, 2025

Round Mini Basket

The Round Mini Easter egg basket to go with the oblong basket
from yesterdays post.

This one is also knitted in three parts and sewn together.

 Knitted on size 2 needles and used double strand of 4 ply worsted yarn.

Main Part

Cast on 25 stitches
Knit rows 1 and 2
Row 3 - K1, (K4, P4) to end of row
Row 4 - (K4, P4) to last stitch, K1
Rows 5 and 6 Repeat rows 3 and 4
Row 7 - K1, (P4, K4) to end of row
Row 8 - (P4, K4) to last stitch, K1
Rows 9 and 10 - Repeat rows 7 and 8
Knit 2 rows
Cast off

Cast on 25 stitches
Knit one row
1st dec. row (K3, K2tog) to end of row (20 stitches)
Second dec. row (K2, K2 tog) to end of row (15 stitches)
Third dec. row (K1, K2 tog) to end of row ( 10 stitches)

Leaving a long end, break off yarn and thread through sts.  Pull up tightly and oversew side edges to cast on sts.

Cast on 30 stitches and knit 3 rows.
Cast off all stitches

Oversew side edges from cast on edge to cast off edge.

With right side of work facing you pin the cast on edge of base to cast off edge of main part and oversew edges together.

sew the handle on.

I put a little Pink Peep in the basket which was crocheted and given to me by Sally, a Needwork friend from the library.  

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Mini knitted basket

Mini Easter Egg Basket

The basket is knitted in three pieces and then sewn together.

Pattern calls for 8 ply worsted weight yarn.
I didn't have any 8 ply so doubled a 4 ply yarn.
Knitted on size 2 US (3mm) knitting needles.

Main Part
Cast on 48 stitches and knit the first 2 rows.
Row 3,4,5,6 - K4, P4 to end of row.
Row 7,8,9,10 - P4, K4 to end of row.
Knit 2 rows.
Cast off all stitches for base.

Cast on 9 stitches
Knit 30 rows
Cast off all stitches

Cast on 30 stitches
Knit 3 rows
Cast off all stitches

Making Up
Main Part
Oversew side edges from cast on edge to cast off edge.

With right side of work facing you pin the cast on edge of base to cast off edge of main part and oversew edges together.

sew the handle on.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Knitted Blanket

 On the Bright Side Blanket

Knitted a blanket for Babies for Blankets for a change instead
of making a weave-it one.

I used Caron One Pound yarn.
Knitted on size 8 circular needle


Cast on 126 stitches
Knit the first 12 rows
With wrong side facing work as follows:
ROW 1 -  K6, P118, K last 6 stitches

ROWS 2 - 6 Knit

ROW 7 - K6, *P2, K2; repeat from * until 8 stitches on needle, P2, K6

ROW 8 - K6, *K2, P2; repeat from * until 8 stitches on needle, K2, K6

ROW 9 - Same as row 7

ROWS 10 - 14 Knit

Repeat these 14 rows for pattern.
Repeat pattern 15 times or until it is a long as you want it.

Knit the last 11 rows.
Bind off.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Infinity Scarf

I'm knitting an infinity scarf
using Lion Brand Wool Ease Yarn Fair Isle
Fair Isle is a style of knitting originating in the Shetland Islands 
that is characterized by bands of multicolored geometric patterns.
This yarn that I'm using creates its own pattern.
Color Thistle/Orchid

Though the yarn is 20% wool and 80% acrylic it is very soft and not itchy.

I'm knitting a pattern called Seersucker and it is a good pattern
for a scarf because it doesn't curl.

The pattern is a multiple of 4 stitches, an 8 row repeat

Row 1 - Knit 1, Purl 1 to end
Row 2 - Knit 1, Purl 1 to end
Row 3 - Purl 1, Knit 3 to end
Row 4 - Purl 3, Knit 1 to end
Row 5 - Knit 1, Purl 1 to end
Row 6 - Knit 1, Purl 1 to end
Row 7 - Knit 2, *Purl 1, Knit 3; repeat from * to last 2 sts, Purl 1, Knit 1
Row 8 - Purl 1, *Knit 1,  Purl; repeat from * to last 3 sts, Knit 1, Purl 2

I'm using size 6 knitting needles
and cast on 36 stitches
So far my scarf measures 23 inches
and will be 60 inches when finished


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Temperature Blanket

I've been knitting each day on the temperature blanket
and as of yesterday the end of February this is what it looks like.

 Enjoying this year long project.